Medical Cannabis and the Interference of the State

Let the People Grow

Justice Michael Phelan of the Federal Court addressed a very important addressed in the Allard et al v. Her Majesty the Queen a constitutional challenge in the right to use a valuable health remedy.

An expert witness for the plaintiff, Dr. Kalant, stated the following valuable information:

"Dr. Kalant touched upon a problem that has run throughout this case – that despite the government having exerted control over medical marijuana, there is a surprising lack of research to justify many of the assumptions relied on by government. He acknowledged that there is insufficient evidence on which to base scientifically reasoned dosage ranges for different medical uses and acknowledged that patients can develop significant levels of tolerance to the effects of particular dosages."

The new MMPR regulations known as the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulation, became invalid as a result of this decision. Furthermore, this decision has given the Canadian Government six months - from February, 2016 - to devise a "Charter compliant" new or revised medical marijuana regime.

It seems like there's a huge opportunity opening up with respect to medical cannabis.

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