Coffee Enemas

Dr. Max Gerson advocated 'coffee enemas' as a  CURE for a number of diseases, including cancer, as far back as WWII.

The Gerson Therapy is alive and well thanks to Dr. Gerson's daughter Charlotte Gerson.

The concept of 'Coffee enemas' is not a new phenomenon. In fact, Mae West, the voluptuous bombshell of the thirties and forties and famous for such lines as 'It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men.", contributes her vitality to her daily morning enemas.

If you click on the above image, it will take you to your amazon site and will enlighten you on how to download this book. The book describes exactly how to perform an enema, what you need, where to get your supplies, and anything else you need know to help you incorporate the practice of performing enemas into your daily ritual.

There are so many benefits resulting from coffee enemas that can be described as life transforming and utterly amazing. Even if you are not suffering from a debilitating disease or illness, a truly amazing and immediate benefit you will immediately notice after undergoing your first coffee enema, is a dramatic boost in physical energy, mental clarity and upbeat mood. Other benefits of coffee enemas also include the elimination of parasites, bloating and associated digestive issues. Coffee enemas also helps your liver in many ways including assisting in the production of bile, eliminating stones and assists in regenerating a scarred liver.

There are so many benefits resulting from performing coffee enemas that make it impossible to summarize in one page. The above book will help you to incorporate this amazing beauty regime into your life with ease.

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