Cannabis Use Disorder and Nabilone

cartoon on pot

In a recent study published in the March, 2016 issue of JAMA Psychiatry, it was reported that researchers at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are sounding the alarm over a possible increase in unknown cognitive and behavioral harms that widespread cannabis use may unmask.

A clinical review conducted by NIDA director Nora Volkow, MD, points out that as legalization of the drug for recreational and medical use spreads, vulnerable populations, especially adolescents, are exposed to toxic effects of the drug.

"This is not a problem that is specific to marijuana," Dr Volkow told Medscape Medical News."Young brains and drugs shouldn’t mix. Period."

Surprisingly, clinical trials are underway in the US to test Nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, as a treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder

Other studies in the US report that a high percentage of children who are insured under Medicaid use some type of psychiatric drug. In addition, most of those children prescribed an anti-psychotic, are taking them for an 'off-label' use.

If the above is not contradictory enough, GW Pharma has filed a patent for their discovery of two cannabinoids found in cannabis, namely THCV and CBD, as having the means to treat psychosis!

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