Ideal Morning Routine

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This book, The Ideal Morning Routine describes twelve simple habits to incorporate into your morning ritual that will change your life for the better.

For example, the Ideal Morning Routine #2 is all about Oil Pulling. Although oil pulling is not new, it is appearing more and more in current news blogs including Natural News , WebMed, and Dr Axe. 

Oil pulling involves swishing about a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth for about 10-20 minutes upon rising and then spitting it out. This procedure literally removes any and all bacteria and germs that accumulate in your mouth while you sleep. The list of health benefits associated with this practice is lengthy and includes whiter teeth, reduced cavities, reduced inflammation, prevents heart disease, kills bad breath, strengthens gums and jaw, and so much more.

Following Oil Pulling is Ideal Morning Routine #3 - Lemon Water. The benefits of drinking a glass of filtered water with 1/4-1/2 lemon squeezed into it, is very impressive. For such a simple and inexpensive drink, not only does a glass of lemon water increase your vitamin C content, this drink also aids in your digestion, boosts your immune system, increases your energy, freshens your breath and so much more.

In addition to describing the benefits of oil pulling and drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning, The Ideal Morning Routine also explains exactly how to incorporate these routines and what you each will do for you. 

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