Hemp Seed

best source for hemp seed
Healing-Source Hemp Hearts

What is so great about hemp seed? It has to be THE most nutritious food on the planet and thus, can be considered a superfood. Hemp can help achieve optimal health and well-being when four-five tablespoons are consumed on a daily basis. Hempseed, if it were the only item available to eat, contains all the nutritional requirements to sustain life.

Hemp seed is a rich source of protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamins B6, B12, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B-2), niacin (B3), folate (B-9), all the essential amino acids and the most balanced source of essential fatty acids (EFA) known. 

Hemp seed also contain a surprisingly high level of the amino acid arginine, known to assist in homeostasis in the body. 

Hemp seed contain the perfect ratio of omega-6 EFA (known as linoleic acid) to omega-3 EFA (known as alpha-linolenic acid) making hemp seed very easy for our body to digest. In addition, hemp seed contains the rare ESA gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) an omega-6 and stearidonic acid (SDA) an omega-3. 

Essential fatty acids are called essential since our body is unable to make it on its own and therefore requires EFA's from our diet. The EFA's in hemp seed are in a perfect ratio to protect the brain from dementia, fight inflammation and protect the heart and immune system. Studies have shown that a deficiency or an imbalance in essential fatty acids is linked to many diseases and conditions. For a list of illnesses and diseases that hemp, as an excellent source of essential fatty acids, can treat, please click here - thanks to Miracle Source.

It's abundantly clear that there are so many health provoking reasons to include hemp seed in our daily diet.  What is the easiest way? You can sprinkle hemp seed on everything you eat however, what about hemp milk?

Hemp Milk Recipe

There are so many recipes for hemp milk, the ratio of filtered water to hemp seed might seem confusing. However, the beauty of being able to make your own hemp milk, is in the control you have in getting it just right - just the way you like it.

If you are just starting to experiment with making your own hemp milk, the first hurdle to overcome is choosing the ratio of filtered water to quantity of hemp seed for your particular palate. Understanding that hemp seed is a valuable commodity should help you be somewhat conservative to start. With this in mind, the standard recipe for hemp milk will have you start with two to up to four cups of cold filtered water and 1/2 cup up to one cup of hemp seed; this is  added to your food processor or NutriBullet and blended until your desired consistency is reached. These recipes also mention filtering the milk through a cheesecloth or strainer, prior to serving. 

The following is a standard recipe for Hemp Milk:

1 cup of hemp seed
3 cups of filtered water
pinch of Himalayan Salt (or Celtic sea salt)

If sweetened milk is desired, add:

1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
2-6 pitted Medjool dates or 2 - 3 Tbsp of maple syrup, honey or other sweetener.


Blend all in your blender for 30-60 seconds. 

Alternative Methods:

A number of methods would have you strain your milk using a nut milk bag, cheesecloth or sheer nylon hosiery. IMHO (in my humble opinion), unless you will be using the strained material, you are otherwise, throwing out very variable nutrients. 

For more hemp seed recipes, please click on the following image:

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Available at Amazon

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